Maddy’s Story

After playing college soccer, Maddy was unmotivated to workout and had no idea where to even start. For years someone had told her what to do everyday for a workout and in practice. She knew she had to start somewhere and she says, “I remember visiting CrossFit gyms occasionally in college with my aunt.” She found Jurassic CrossFit and had a good feeling it was the place for her. “They do so much more than provide classes to workout. Lucas, Kayla, and the entire team of coaches provide nutrition help, progress monitoring, skill help, and motivation.”

Maddy’s biggest fear when she started was being around people who were “experts” at CrossFit. “I was definitely not!” she says. “But that was never an issue; everyone was so inviting and helpful. The coaches and other people in class take the time to get to know you! It’s like a second family at Jurassic.”

In 6 weeks, Maddy saw results, but the biggest thing she noticed in that short amount of time is how she felt. “I have my love of exercise back, I feel confident, and I feel strong. This has taught me that progress isn’t just what you see in the mirror or the scale. I FEEL it.” Other changes she talks about since starting is her commitment. When you decide to go consistently, it does get easier! Whether it is going to the gym, eating better, or being more active with her friends.. her “yes” is a commitment no matter what and in whatever area of life. She says, “I am no longer the friend who bails last minute or can’t commit to plans. The structure and accountability in working out has slowly became an everyday commitment in life!”

She know that it can be a little intimidating to start CrossFit, or any exercise program, but she wants to encourage others who are thinking about joining to just “Show up.” There are good days and bad days going on in life. Whether you are tired, stressed, sore.. show up! There is always an option for everybody. Maddy encourages you to come, because “you will thank yourself”. She says that she leaves every class she takes feeling like her cup is full, and that she has accomplished something.

To find your love for exercise, click >this link< to book your free introduction to the gym and our service options. We would love to get to know you, your goals, and help you reach those goals!

Thank you, Maddy, for sharing your story!