6 Reasons to Invest in a Nutrition Coach

Do you feel like you’re going nowhere in circles when working on your diet and nutrition? Do you start off with good intentions, but then life happens, and you go back to square one. Do you know what you need to do, but have trouble applying it to your life?

It can be extremely frustrating and discouraging, and it can be enough to make you want to quit and throw in the towel. But before you do that, hear us out.

There is a way to break the cycle and start making real, sustainable, life-long habit changes with no crash diets and real results. The key ingredient is to hire a health and wellness coach. Making healthy eating a part of your lifer for the long haul is not just about knowing what to eat, it’s about actually making the change happen and sticking to it consistently (which is the hard part).

Nutrition coaches have your back and will help you stay on track when things get tough and it will be worth every penny.

You get 1) personalized guidance. There is no one-size-fits all for this kind of stuff. Everyone is different and what works for someone you know may not work for you. We take time get to know your unique needs, and then help you create a plan that will actually work for you, whether that be to drop some body fat, manage a health issue, or feel better in your skin.

You get 2) accountability and motivation. A nutrition coach will hold you accountable to the goals you set. It’s having someone to answer to, someone to check-in with you, hold you to your commitments, and help you stay focused. It’s nice to also have someone to bounce ideas off of when you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed. When someone is holding you accountable, you are more likely to stick to your plan even when you don’t want to. It’s a built-in safety net when you stumble. 

You get 3) sustainable lifestyle changes. There’s so much hype around trendy diets that promise rapid results with minimal effort. But let’s be real a second: those fads usually don’t deliver long-term results or chances to learn how to build habits to keep you where you want to be. A nutrition coach will help you make small, realistic changes you can keep up with over time. A good nutrition coach understands that healthy living isn’t about following fads or jumping on the latest bandwagon. It’s about making changes that keep up with you and become a normal part of your life. They will work with you to make a plan that fits your unique preferences, so you can achieve your goals without sacrificing your sanity and happiness.

You get 4) expert knowledge. Trying to navigate the world of nutrition and health can feel like you’re lost in a never-ending maze. With so much conflicting, and sometimes terrible, advice out there, it’s easy to feel confused and overwhelmed. You don’t have to navigate it alone. A nutrition coach knows how tough it can be to figure out what’s really best for you. With their expert knowledge and guidance, you’ll feel more confident and in charge of your health choices. 

You get to 5) save time. Lots of people will spend YEARS on their own trying to get healthy, only to end up feeling frustrated and defeated in the end. They try one diet after another, experiment with all kinds of changes, but without the help of a coach, they often wind up right back where they started. This is a vicious cycle that can leave you feeling like giving up altogether. Good news is when you work with a nutrition coach, you can end the cycle. Don’t waste years in trial and error, because a nutrition coach can help you progress in a shorter amount of time. 

You get to 6) invest in yourself. I get that hiring a nutrition coach might seem like a big decision – and that it seems like a big investment. But think about where the money is going. You are investing in yourself and your health, and the return on your investment is huge and life-long! “Health is wealth”, am I right? When you take care of yourself and put your health first, you’re able to live your best life and face any challenges that come your way. When you’re healthy, you can fully enjoy all the good stuff in life. 

So, is hiring a nutrition coach worth it to you?

At Chomp Nutrition, Nicole and Kayla are all about helping people feel their best and live their healthiest lives. Our approach is to make changes that you can stick to and that work with your life. We don’t judge nor make you feel guilty for choices you’ve made. Instead, we support you and help you make a plan that works for you. We take time to get to know you and your goals, and understand your needs and aspirations. 

Book your free nutrition consultation today!

Written by Kayla Allen